Home Posts tagged beer

‘Beer With Us Festival’ debut

Organizers announce date Known for the production of some of the biggest concerts in Nigeria; leading entertainment outfit, Achievas Entertainment has announced the debut edition of a brand new raving music festival to look out for tagged ‘ Beer With Us Festival’ (#BWUFEST). The debut concert

Spaniards panic-buy wine, beer, chocolate

Madrid  Toilet paper is no longer the problem. Spanish supermarket shelves are stocked. Instead, Spaniards are panic-buying beer and wine, olives, potato chips and chocolate. Or at least they are consuming more than usual of these key staples amid the nationwide coronavirus lockdown in place since March 15, according to market data. Spaniards bought 80 […]

Perfect first date ideas

A first date is like a stepping stone to creating a solid relationship or friendship as the case may be, most guys settle for some variation of seeing a film and going for a meal. There’s nothing particularly wrong with this strategy. It’s been tested and it’s easy.   But some guys like to go […]

German brewers record fall in beer sales in 2017

The German Brewers’ Association recorded a two-per cent annual decline in sales to a total of 94 million hectoliters. The organization attributed the negative development to a combination of rainy weather in Germany during the summer and autumn, which kept visitors away from the country’s traditional beer gardens, and a fall in international exports.