Entertainment Interviews Music

Rising star :I want to teach dance in classroom-Esimobi, CEO, CEOBOTICS Dance Group

Esimobi Chris Ebube is the pioneer of CEOBOTICS, a choreography dance group, which kicked off in 2012. They have been able to grow wide acceptance from all around and become a household name.

In this chat with MUTIAT ALLI, he talks about his career, quality of work he does and his goals as a performer.


When did choreography start for you?

It started formally in 2012 but I was dancing long before then which is as far back as 2008 when I started learning dancing. Also, it was in 2012 I started making choreography videos. ‎But when I’m not choreographing, I communicate with people that love what I do and the people I train because they drive me.

What’s your stage name?

My stage name is CEOBOTICS and my whole choreography is formed around a concept I created which I call EMBRIL; emotions, moves, beats, rhythm, invention and lyrics. This is to actually remember what I do every time.

Who are some of the popular faces you have worked with?

The major ones are the Mavin record. I did a video on ‘take banana’ which they saw and loved it then called me up to come. Then I met Don jazzy, Prince and some other people.


Some choreography takes two hours and you are done. Some could take me months as I could get to some points then get stuck because of some reasons. And it isn’t easy to create.

What makes your choreography different?

Firstly, I’m the first choreographer to start making videos in Africa and putting it online. With my new works now, I would have about 40 videos all together since 2012 till now. Secondly, I pass a message with the song. I don’t bring abstract to it. If the choreography is talking about love, it would spill love and if it’s street, it would do same too. And my choreography is to make his music beautiful.

Who would you love to work with has a choreographer?

I would love to work with Kaffy and Don Flex which I think they are the best in Nigeria now. Then abroad, I would love to work with Ian Eastwood and Brian Puspos. They inspire me and I can’t level it.

What makes your craft worth doing?
What makes Choreography worth doing is the feedback I get from every performance or video be it love or hate and also the future I know in my heart I’m creating for the next generation.

What stage do you want to perform on?

Well that list long o. I would love to perform at Headies, Rhythm unplugged, Mama Awards and Class Rooms.  Yes I said class room because I want to teach my craft.

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