
‘Revealed: The Diseases Linked to Frequent Urination in Men – Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

The kinds of diseases that are linked to frequent urination in men, have been revealed including their diagnosis and treatment.


Many men who read my last piece in this column, titled, ‘Why women urinate frequently ’’, have asked for a similar piece.

They want to know and I put together this article to address the issue in men. I hope to put up a piece on why children urinate frequently too.

If you need to go to the toilet more than usual, it’s known as frequent urination. It usually involves going to the loo more than eight times a day. You may also wake up frequently at night needing to wee (nocturia). Symptoms often include bladder discomfort and a strong, urgent need to wee due to an overactive bladder.


There are many potential causes of urinary frequency. They range from minor and very easily treated conditions to more serious diseases. Not all causes of urinary frequency are caused by bladder dysfunction. Occasionally this is related to the amount or type of fluid consumed.

Caffeine and alcohol can cause frequent urination in some patients. One of the more common causes of urinary frequency is a urinary tract infection. Sometimes urinary frequency can be caused by stones in the urinary tract. Bladder obstruction due to an enlarged prostate can lead to urinary frequency, just as the frequency can be caused by tumours in the bladder.

Urinary frequency is occasionally related to neurologic conditions. Stroke, spinal cord injuries and multiple sclerosis are often associated with frequent urination. Often, urinary frequency is caused by abnormal pelvic nerve function and coordination.

Urinary frequency can be associated with some serious diseases. Diabetes mellitus and siabetes insipidus can cause frequent urination. Diabetes mellitus can lead to high-volume frequent urination.


A thorough history and physical examination can often give insight to the cause of frequency. A urine test/analysis is necessary to check for the presence of glucose, protein, ketones, or signs of infection.

Occasionally checking how much urine is left behind after urination is performed with a bladder scanner. In some cases, looking in the bladder with a telescope (cystoscopy) is performed to ensure there is no evidence of tumors in the bladder wall. Blood tests are also used to assess kidney function and the presence of glucose. Neurological tests can establish the presence of nerve damage or a nerve disorder.


There are many treatment options for urinary frequency. Not all patients need treatment. If the frequency is not bothersome, no treatment is necessary. In some cases simple dietary modification can improve frequent urination. This may involve limiting certain foods and drinks such as alcohol, caffeine, tomato-based products, chocolate, artificial sweeteners, spicy foods.

Excess weight can put unnecessary pressure on your bladder. A healthy, low-fat diet and regular exercise can help to reduce weight and decrease frequent urination or incontinence. Treatment of bladder infections with antibiotics may alleviate the frequency. If a patient has medical conditions such as diabetes and prostrate gland disorders, the urinary frequency can improve as the disease process is better controlled. In some cases, treatment may simply involve altering your daily habits, including limiting your fluid intake, especially before bedtime, being familiar with side effects of any medication you take.

Depending on the root cause of frequent urination, other non-surgical treatment may include pelvic floor exercises These exercises can strengthen the muscles that support the bladder and urethra. Exercising for just five minutes, three times a day, can help you to control your bladder more effectively.

Bladder retraining: This involves learning techniques that help to retrain your bladder, and gradually increase the time between visits to the toilet. It usually takes about six to 12 weeks to retrain yourself to hold urine longer and to pass urine less frequently. There are medications that can slow down an overactive bladder. If these steps are not effective then medication, or sometimes surgical treatment, may be recommended depending on the underlying cause of the problem.

Prevention: While not all urological problems or disorders can be avoided, there are lifestyle choices one can make every day to help to reduce the chances of developing a serious problem.

Some of these include avoiding excess alcohol or caffeine, avoiding certain medications, i.e. diuretics,. Do not smoke. Engage in moderate physical activity and maintain a healthy weight.

In conclusion, when a man experiences urinary symptoms such as frequent urination, he should talk with a doctor without delay. This or other symptoms may be a sign of a more serious problem that needs attention.

Meanwhile, visit my blogspot: for other health issues.


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