
Nigerian Army rejigs posting of 206 Generals


By Andrew Orolua

The Nigerian Army has rejigged the posting and redeployment of 975 officers including 206 generals, 64 colonels, 302 lieutenant colonels, 139 majors, and 122 captains, among others.

A circular signed by Maj. Gen. E.F. Oyinlola, dated January 4, 2024, which was sighted by our correspondent, stated that the appointments and redeployment of the officers took effect from Monday.

Also, according to the circular, the authorisation for the amendment and deletion of a total of 120 officers was given.

The affected officers comprise six colonels, 26 lieutenant colonels, 33 majors, 26 captains, and 29 lieutenants.

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According to Maj. Gen. E.F. Oyinlola, “It is the responsibility of all formation/unit commanders, whose officers are affected by this posting, to implement accordingly. Officers must take over on the effective dates indicated.

“Formation/unit commanders are to take immediate administrative action on any officer who refuses to report on the effective date of posting and inform the AHQ Dept of MS”.

He warned that Commanders who failed to release posted officers at the time stipulated will be appropriately sanctioned. Commanders will also be held responsible for lapses in the implementation of the directives contained herein.

He advised commanders to ensure the release of the affected officers, stressing that they would bear responsibility for their officers’ failure to resume.

The Director, Army Public Relations, Maj. Gen. Onyema Nwachukwu, retained his position. Similar postings were carried out by the Army in June 2023.

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