February 8, 2025

Nigeria Content Investment Forum Holds May 4th 2015

The Nigeria Content Investment Forum scheduled to hold May 4 is being organized under the aegis of collaboration between Sweetcrude, the Guardian Newspapers, the Nigerian Content Development Monitoring Board (NCDMB) and other like-minded organisations.

The event which is scheduled for May 4th 2015 on the sidelines of the Offshore Technology Conference, OTC, at The Houstonian Hotel, 111 North Post Oak Lane, Houston, Texas 77024, is being organized as a public – private partnership to enable the Board pursue the following objectives:

  1. Bring Nigerian oil and gas SMEs who have manufacturing pedigree together with original international equipment manufacturers of components, including but not limited to valves, pipes and other industry fittings.
  2. Simulate collaboration between Nigerian SMEs and the OEMs towards local manufacture of key inputs of oil and gas components.
  3. Showcase the gains of the Nigerian Content Act and the opportunities for collaboration, growth and development contained therein.
  4. Create a sustainable platform for annual interaction between credible professionals and stakeholders in the oil and gas industry – particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa, USA, Europe, Asia and the Middle East.
  5. Enable credible stakeholders share experience, identify possible synergies in the various areas of operation so that professionals and entrepreneurs alike can collaborate to develop and optimize Nigeria’s hydrocarbon asset as well as those in other Sub-Saharan African countries.
  6. Enhance hydrocarbon stakeholders’ ability to key into opportunities emanating from the Obama Power Africa initiative.

The event has its theme as “Opportunities for Collaboration & the Nigerian Content Act” and Sub-theme as “Maximizing Opportunities in Nigeria’s Hydrocarbon Industry” with target participants from Marginal Field Operators, Independent Producers, Equipment Manufacturers, Banks/Financiers and Equity/Angel Investors, Gas/Powers/Hydrocarbon service companies and International Oil Companies In Nigeria (IOC)’s.

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