
Najatu Mohammed: When A Tirade Goes Wrong

I struggled to find another word for clueless. As I was struggling, the word ingrate came to my mind. Clueless and ingrate are the best words to describe Najatu Mohammed who in her wisdom attempted to cast aspersion on the personality of President Muhammadu Buhari and by extension the Service Chiefs. When I read her piece titled “All the President’s men on national (in)security” I could not help but burst into a round of laughter for very obvious reasons. Everything she wrote was figments of her imaginations. Even though she attempted to sound like an intellect, and one conversant with the operations of the Nigerian Military, you could quickly notice the deficiency in her plot, choice of words, and execution. She went to town mentioning what is not and what has never been. So much so that I marvelled at the way and manner she churned out half-truths that could cause an earthquake in Sabon Gari in Kano state. She took her tirade too far when she assumed that the Chief of Army Staff does not have the necessary combat experience as he allegedly dodged ECOMOG and all local operations throughout his career in the lower ranks. And I said what nonsense to that. It was arrant nonsense that could only come from a retard. Whoever it was that advise her to pen such an ignoble piece must be senile too. And the chap that wrote on her behalf was also uncharitable to her by using her “hard earned” name as the author of such gibberish.
Who is Najatu Mohammed to comment on military exploits or strategy? What is her pedigree? What has been her contributions in the intellectual space? I did a google search, and I got absolutely nothing. The closest I got was that she is a Nigerian politician, which she rightly is, and the “first woman to win a Senate seat in Kano state.” That is all about her asides her usual political rants here and there, like someone who has Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD). For the records, individuals suffering from HPD exhibit excessive emotionality and are attention seekers. People with this disorder are uncomfortable or feel unappreciated when they are not the centre of attention. I want to assume that was the case with her that she so decided to put her name on an amalgamation of lies titled “All the President’s men on national (in)security.” It is indeed legendary for someone to sit down and concoct stories, incidences, and timelines on things that were never in existence. She also went further to arrogate to herself as a key stakeholder in the Police and the National Security Establishment. And I asked in Nigeria or another country? What has been her contributions to national security in Nigeria? How has she impacted on the National security debate in Nigeria? Excuse me; we are not talking about rendering “escort services.” We are talking about National security madam, and not because she sits on the board of the Police Service Commission. Looking at it from a rational perspective what credential does she have to have been so appointed as a commissioner in the Police Service Commission in the first place? Aside from being a graduate of History with no known public or private career, there is nothing about her that qualifies her for such an appointment. I think the posturing of Najatu Mohammed is very typical of politicians wanting to increase their market value. She sits as a commissioner in the commission representing women. Now tell me, how does this translate to Najatu Mohammed being that expert of security that she is now questioning the operational style and effectiveness of the Nigerian military in the fight against insurgency. If this is not purely mischief, I do not know what else to call it. Needless I remind her that it was the same President Muhammadu Buhari that out of his benevolence so appointed her, and not because she parades an intimidating CV. This is ingratitude. You can’t bite the fingers that fed you. This is very typical of politicians like her. This is quite an anomaly. It is either for mischief purposes or out of ignorance. But I would instead go with the mischief school of thought. If not for mischief purposes, I wonder how someone would be so daring to spread lies with so much impunity. I won’t be shocked if she also has some proposals not receiving proper attention somewhere and so she decided to resort to ill-mannerism to drive home a selfish point. But in all, what she failed to realize was the fact that she attempted to portray President Muhammadu Buhari in bad light as regards the fight against the insurgency. She is from Kano state and has also forgotten how Kano was once under constant attack from Boko Haram terrorists. She also forgot how the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) was also under constant attack. The question I would like to ask her is, has there been a substantial difference in the fight against insurgency from 2015 to date? To help her out, I think I need to furnish her with intellectual materials on Nigeria’s fight against insurgency from 2015 to date. But this would be dependent on whether she can process intelligent information. I stand to be corrected. If she has such capacity, I am not sure would want to be associated with the nonsense she conjured. This is on the heels of the fact that she is a misfit to criticize the war against insurgency, but it is to help her in the least to supply some oxygen into her occluded brains. When issues of National security are discussed, Najatu Mohammed should not blink an eyelid, because it is not the bedroom matter she is used to from Kano to Kaduna and all the way to Abuja. National security is a different terrain that requires a high level of intellectualism to decipher what constitutes gains and setbacks. It is also definitely not an emotional issue. I could go nonstop in addressing her tirade, but that would somewhat amount to falling victim to her Histrionic Personality Disorder. But in a bid to help her out though, I challenge her to an open debate on National Security so that she could further expose her crass ignorance and mischief to the same members of the unsuspecting public she wanted to hoodwink. I patiently await her acceptance of the debate challenge — good riddance to bad rubbish. Ajibola is Vice President, Africans in Diaspora writing from DR Congo.

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