
Lawyer: Why Tinubu’s certificate indicates female


A lawyer to President Bola Tinubu, Wole Afolabi, has revealed why the certificate of the President indicates ‘F’ meant for a female.

According to Afolabi, a mixup at Chicago State University (CSU) is the reason President Tinubu’s certificate indicates female.

Afolabi made this claim during an interview on Channels TV on Friday.

Naija News understands that the presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Atiku Abubakar, had sought the certificate of Tinubu in his move to oust him from office at the Supreme Court.

Afolabi, when asked why the President’s certificate carries “F”, said, “The transcript that was provided by Southwest College indicated F. It was clear. All of the other particulars did match the information of President Bola Tinubu. Now, the registrar was interviewed on why the discrepancies. He said the person applying for the school ticked the box of a male, not a female, and when the admission letter was issued, it was issued to Mr Tinubu.

“When the question was put to Dr West Brown, he said it is not unusual for universities to mix up. He (West Brown) has been to several universities. It is possible.”

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Speaking on the discrepancies in the signatures on the certificate, Afolabi said that certificates were not issued at the time of graduation until one applied for them.

He added that the person who issued the certificate Tinubu submitted to INEC might not have been in the university in 1979.

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Ihesiulo Grace

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