February 27, 2025

The Gombe International Conference Centre in Perspective

As one of the major partakers in the Dankwambo-led administration in Gombe State, saddled with the administration’s information management, one is compelled by the salient lessons of history to lend a voice to the innuendoes going round in the state by Governor Dankwambo’s morbid haters who has nothing to offer but plunge the state into unnecessary bickerings and political chaos; politicians consumed with personal ambition with all their intemperance and illogicality, mostly without any modicum of character or self-dignity.

In a state like Gombe, with superfluous cerebral minds and people of integrity, only a few, if any, could have imagined the existence of such reactionary elements within the society, and directed at none other than Dr. Ibrahim Hassan Dankwambo, an astute and exemplary accountant whose integrity and exceptional performance as Gombe State executive governor transcends the state’s boundary, acclaimed nationwide for his prudence in the management of the state resources.

At an auspicious time in the nation’s political history and recession period, when almost all the states in the federation have been bedeviled with the lingering issue of non-salary payment in spite of the Federal Government’s intervention to control the alarming situation, the Dankwambo-led administration stands tall among its equals as one state Governor with the magic wand whose strict rules and abhorrence to issues of financial mismanagement is desirous of note by the Buhari-led Federal Government.

Governor Dankwambo through his concern for the downtrodden and the talakawas in Gombe State have made the people realize that their condition can be remedied if they move in certain political directions that could help transform government policies and programmes.

His tenacious optimism in the emancipation of Gombe indicates that he has not miffed in his belief that the best is yet to be, reforming and channeling all his affection towards Gombe, his childhood place of birth; his symbol of the Nigerian motherland.

While some governors perceive their political office as a call to serve their states, others perceive power as an avenue for wealth accumulation.

In contemporary political philosophy, politics is a subject which has the distinction of intimate interaction between the government and its citizens, with an even greater need for inspired leadership and dynamism in a state where the basic needs of life such as education, rural and urban regional planning, revolutionary development in agricultural inputs has hitherto been denied.

The concern therefore as the curtain begins to fall on Governor Dankwambo’s tenure in the state, one is tempted by the call to service to emphasize the need for the cohesiveness in governance; the operational conceptualization of key programmes and projects of the Dankwambo-led administration as one of the key determinants to ensure the consolidation of the state’s socio-economic and industrial development.

Successive govern ments in Gombe have to show more commitment and imbibe the essential continuity element to consolidate the gains of the Dankwambo-led administration especially on matters of socio-economic growth and industrial development.

As we set the stage therefore in the periscope of Governor Ibrahim Hassan Dankwambo’s major interventions, landmark reforms and capital projects in the state, which are legion, our focus is on the construction of the multi-billion Naira Gombe International Conference Centre provided with the latest Information Communication Technology, ICT.

A casual visitor to Gombe and Abuja, the nation’s federal capital will attest to the 21st Century architectural design of Gombe International Conference Centre far beyond its Abuja counterpart. The Gombe edifice has a 1.500 sitting capacity, with additional 5,000 in place.

This is capable of providing massive foreign exchange earnings to the state, and in socio economic terms provided employment opportunities to over 5000 citizens of the state constructed at the cost of 2.7 billion naira by the Italian engineers.

Talban Empowerment Scheme, TES, set out to enrich the populace in their quest for the attainment of an improved socio-economic environment.

“A good government has to be pervasive, emphatic and forward looking –accountantability through adherence to prescribe levels of synergies, independence of ideas and responsibilities, maintenance of currency with best practices and neutrality”, the Governor asserted in one of his public lectures recently.

His monumental achievements in Gombe also included the establishment of a Modern Commodity Depot and Exchange Centre for the promotion of modern commodity trading, first ever in Nigeria’s industrial evolution equipped with Remote Access facilities for online commodity. It is an economic programme developed to reposition positively, Gombe State image globally.

We have to show more commitment as a people in order to develop our state; it is not a matter of rhetoric but of a concrete step in the right direction, using the abundant human and material resources available.

Governor Ibrahim Hassan Dankwambo of Gombe State He came on the scene as the state chief executive and executive governor outrightlyresponsible and responsive to the yearnings of the citizens.

In more ways than usual, and imbued with the proper conceptualization of the development programs of government, Dr. Ibrahim Hassan Dankwambo Talban Gombe in his tenure as the executive governor has been exceptionally and legendarily ascetic, ethically committed and focused.

Gombe State replicates the memory of a rapidly growing Nigeria state in the quest for recognition and awareness from transactional opticians to principled intellectuals which should count as an asset to what the state has been endowed with in human and manpower resources, but in a country where politics has remained a high-yielding money laundering enterprises, recognition of political achievement and the satanic innuendoes by some of the state’s disgruntled politicians can only be, but wishful.

Governance is a privilege with responsibility to serve, look ahead to the people and sometimes, take the flak for protecting the future that might not be apparent to some people.

Dankwambo’s sophistica tion in the application of all modern tools of governance might have been at the centre of the ongoing feud between the governor and the blind oppositions who see nothing goods. Junaidu usman Abubakar writes from Gombe,Gombe state.

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