Agriculture Features

Five profitable Agrobusiness ideas for the early starters

It is evident that investing in agricultural business is now one of the most lucrative sector to venture in because of its great proceeds and other benefits. Another interesting thing about is that anybody can begin a career in Agriculture, so far you give it your full attention and resources.

Investing in agriculture is necessary because the entire population of Nigeria depends on staple foods produced from farms and other farm produces for their daily meals and sustenance coupled with the serious intervention from the Nigerian government.

The federal government is turning its attention to promoting farming in Nigeria to help boost food productions in the country and minimize food importation.

Proper research on the different businesses below will broaden your knowledge of it.

For the early starters, here are some business ideas that will convince you.

1. Poultry Farming

Everyone knows how profitable poultry farming is because it is not capital intensive compared to others. Classes of poultry farming include, Chicken (for eggs and meat), Turkeys (for meat mainly), Guinea Fowl (for egg production and meat) and Geese (for eggs, meat and down feathers).

Ducks (for meat, eggs and down feathers), Quail (for eggs and meat) and Pigeons (for meat mainly) are also types of poultry farming.

2. Catfish Farming

Catfish Business is another lucrative one that is easy and affordable to set up. Catfish is very popular worldwide and is the most desirable and preferred fish in Africa. It can be viewed in measurable economic and business terms as well as non-measurable terms, such as health and education.

It has high quality meat source that is rich with protein, but very low fat and generates extra Income for households.

3. Goat Rearing

This is one of the oldest agricultural business in Nigeria. Some engage in it for subsistence and commercial farming purposes. Investing in goat rearing helps you to raise your own meat, Produce milk in large quantities, Produce soap, Produce fiber, use their dung as fuel and their skin and hide.

4. Snail Farming

Snail has a huge demand in the market of Nigeria for its unique taste and nutrition value. Snail meat is high in iron, protein, calcium and phosphorus and very low in cholesterol, sodium and fat. As a result, snail meat is highly recommended by the dietitians and doctors for the patients and general people.

The business tasks related to snail farming in Nigeria like financing, producing, servicing, processing, sorting, transporting and marketing can make a great sector of employment of unemployed people.

5. Plantain Plantation

Plantain is widely consumed in Nigeria. Any food that is popular in Nigeria is always a huge income earner due to the population of the country.

A good advantage of plantain farming is that that when planted once, it keeps producing year in year out for eternity. It has great economic value to the farmer and the nation as well.

Plantain is consumed raw, fried, boiled, roasted and can be dried and grounded into flour for other uses.

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