February 15, 2025

Boko Haram Havoc Same as Failed Politicians

When we begin to conceptualize that Boko Haram has done more damage to our nation as did the politicians may be under that realism, we will fuse the puzzle together and clearly understand that we are not fighting demonic extremist but along with that, we are battling with a colony of blood stinking men who uses anything at their disposal to cling unto power, so if ever we win the battle with this unrepentant sects, the actual war might still elude us all.Boko Haram has always been with us only that they were of a different name, form, agenda and influence. As did militancy that we suddenly realized in the 90’s, it has always been a long awaited struggle for self-recognition of depriving a region their actual due. Not until the likes of Tompolo the “govern-ment”, Asari Dokunbo and their likes took up arms against the government before we woke up to our deafening reality; that you do not unjustly justify a wrong, you do not impoverish a people that provides about 80% of your natural resources it is clear that when you push a man so close to the wall without response you are bound to eventually slug it out in a battle of resistance. Not, until the amnesty program that actually brought a sense of peace to the region although massive work still need to be done in Niger-Delta at least it is nationally clear that most of the Niger-Delta youths are no more restless, they have backed down on their vengeful mission to run down the Nigeria government to some extent a reclusive peace was found along with the amnesty.So, until we rapidly begin to tackle issues like the dreaded Ebola disease the likes of Boko-Haram will continue to point her ugly head on our seemingly helpless political landscape. Politicians clearly have lost the sympathy of the people, they’re absolutely disconnected from the people’s trust whether the likes of Desmond Olushola Elliot, Davido, 9ice or James Bond is entering into politics.It is visible to the blind and audible to the deaf that the system will not only corrupt their laudable intentions, it will consume it and recycle it into the Jekyl and Hyde form of politics in which there is an elusive Godfather and a robber who keeps his on part of the deal. If politicians can loot public funds without being held accountable for their actions, if an untouchable cabal can skilfully duped 150 million people without any firm explanation or reprimand from the government that constantly vows to protect their interest, if thirty-six grown men did an election and still shamelessly agree that sixteen votes overrides nineteen votes; then actually we are only a country in self-deceit and until we rise up together to speak against injustice, nepotism, favouritism and corruption, Boko-Haram might just be a tip of iceberg.I am not a prophet of doom, but I can categorically say we approved and tolerated Boko-Haram for too long until we couldn’t fathom their excesses. If some group of armed and deluded men can kidnap sec-ondary school girls; innocent girls, whose dreams have been chattered by the corruption of our time, their future crooked by the crookedness of our leaders, their womb spoilt by men in masks and suits, constantly tortured by the terror even if by a smirk of luck they are released.Are we prepared to accommo-date their psychological status? Are we ready to give them the best medical and psychological care that the world can offer? if not we are only carrying a limited placard of hopelessness, a placard which writes “Bring Back Our Girls” will demand from us a new kind of favour, a new kind of hope and if our purpose is as limited as supposed then the girls should rather stay aloof because what greater death will it be to have lived for months in the hands of terrorists eventually to be released into a society where stigmatization prevails, a society where power holders don’t give a two hoop in Hades about her citizens, a society where infrastructure is deficient, a society where unity is an illusion and love a nongratia.


*this was published in the Daily Times newspaper dated: Monday, December 15, 2014

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